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I started The Radical Imperfectionist YouTube channel to provide more supportive content on Embracing ourselves and growing on our journey to become a source of empowerment for ourselves and those around us.

You can subscribe by clicking HERE and hitting the subscribe button. I thought that creating a YouTube channel would help me to reach people on yet another platform with this message of being beautiful in all of our imperfections and to provide another way to live this journey with all of you. I hope you find the support you are looking for.

Sometimes my videos are horizontal (as ideal by YouTube’s Standards) and sometimes they’re vertical. For a long time Instagram didn’t allow horizontal, and I didn’t want to reformat twice so this worked for a time.

I am trying to be authentic and spontaneous, not airbrushed and compliant. I am not here to have the most polished content, but real and vulnerable content that meets you where you are. I don’t want to edit out the authenticity… If this resonates with you, you’re my people.

Lastly, I have recently been able to add videos for each of the podcast episodes on The Radical Imperfectionist Podcast on iTunes, as requested by some of my listeners; so you will see those on the channel going forward.


Your Memory Of This Pandemic Will Matter…

More than ever, we need to take a bird’s eye view of our circumstances, looking from far and wide and recognize the fact that all of us will remember this time we are in right now. Our kids will look back on this time. They will tell their kids stories of what’s taking place. How will they remember this story? We can’t control other people’s story, but we do indeed have the power to influence that story in a wonderful way. I hope this helps you today. Remember, we are not powerless. Just because our power is not in changing all of the circumstances, we get to choose our response and that is where that power comes from. Share this with everyone and let’s make some memories that will set in motion an upward spiral for generations to come despite the challenges.

Panic Empowerment Tips

People are consumed. It’s not helping them or the world. We can do our part and not allow this to be the only thing in our awareness. But it takes work. Today I’m giving Just a few tips with more to follow in an effort to help you to get out of your own way right now. Share this with anybody that’s struggling in this area. We are in this together ❤️❤️❤️

No Alcohol For ONE YEAR!!! I did it and what I’ve experienced🎉

It’s true! I haven’t had a sip of alcohol in one year… why?!? How has it gone? I can’t wait to share When I decided was ready, I googled books on the matter because… well, that’s what I do. @thisnakedmind came up and it was exactly what I needed. Annie grace is incredible and I fell in love with her and her amazing work. Thank you Annie!!!

Tool – In Moments Of Struggle 🔥

I hope this helps! Send to a friend who needs to hear this ❤️❤️❤️

Accept ALL Versions Of Yourself

The idea of growth can so often sweep us up and into the hype of improvement so much that we begin to loose sight of the why… we must ask ourselves this: What if striving came from knowing we were enough and working toward more liberation, not trying to be enough… always working for tomorrow and running from yesterday. Real liberation comes from unconditional love, and we need to have that for ourselves or we can’t offer it to anybody else… when we are seeing the current version of ourselves as better than who we once were, we are judging the person of the past and as a result we are making our self love conditional. We also trap ourselves into seeking to always “be” a better person with the motivation being fear of not being good enough, instead of being motivated by real untamable and unshakable love and freedom. You were not made to be perfect nor to strive for perfection. You were made to love and be loved. To wrestle and stumble and fall and get up and grow and change and journey… you are enough ❤️❤️❤️

MUST WATCH – Less Stress This New Year

I hope this helps as you embark on a new year!

Budgeting… Energy NOT Money

What do you do to fill your tank before slaying dragons?!? Balance and self care and budgeting energy… share with me!

Holiday Happiness Secret!

Here is my early Christmas Gift… your circumstances DO NOT determine your happiness or lack thereof. I hope this helps you today! Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

GREAT Secrets to Happiness

We can’t control it all, but we can control our response when we become aware of this and gain some tools in order to do so. Share this video with those who might find it helpful and dialogue with me here👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

If You Struggle With Judgement – Real Struggles

Today, I just want to talk about how I still hear the inner critic and struggle with things regularly. I’m not perfect but I’m not trying to be anymore. I hope you find comfort in this and can see yourself and others with more and more grace.

Must Watch if You Struggle with Triggers and Emotional Roller Coasters

I was able to put into words the work that’s been helping me heal so much, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you all. I hope this helps. Please share it if you know of anybody this would help. Have a great day!


I am here today to keep it real, to be vulnerable and share my heart and this is a wrestling that I know I’m not alone in. I think it’s something that must be said, and it may not be popular for whatever reason but I just want to be real and keep growing with you…

MUST WATCH if You Struggle with SHAME – Socratic Ignorance

In this video we talk about how, if we hope to heal from thoughts that trap us, we need to embrace the fact that we are all ignorant. For more on this topic, head over to the Radical Imperfectionist Podcast!

Moms – Embarrassing Moments 😂❤️

Still home sick, but ownin’ it. HA! Look at this hair 😂😂😂 Okay, for all you mamas out there, this ones for you. This was so embarrassing for me, and I can laugh about it now. I hope this finds you well, owning all the struggles and joys of motherhood 🙂

The Day I Died a Little Bit Inside – UGLY CRY – OWN YOUR STORY!!!

I have to share because I know when I do, my life is transformed and the lies lose. I know this because it happens every time. I get to tell my story now as a victor without shame. You are not alone my soul sisters… I love you

If You Struggle With “Staying Positive” You MUST Watch This

Going a little into today’s podcast topic, I’m discussing how you get to see where your emotions are coming from and use that to choose the thoughts and direction of your life proactively. Don’t fear your emotions. Own them and dissect them… enjoy!

Thought Work – Your Choice

Terrible angle and not great quality, but REAL! Ha… and the message is good I promise! We all have an inner critic. Even those of us that have worked on our thoughts for a long long time. We actually can’t control the thoughts that come in. Just like a bully in the school yard, the bully doesn’t disappear… but we can choose our real friends (as Rebecca Scritchfield says). Likewise, you can’t control the thoughts that come in, but you do get to choose which thoughts you’ll listen to and believe. As you become aware of the thoughts that are causing you to feel like crap you can work to replace them with thoughts that uplift you. It takes time and practice but one of the sneakiest thoughts that exists is the lie that says it’s not working because you’re still thinking that way or feeling that way… NO, you don’t have to believe that thought. You will have moments where it is much harder; but making a habit of recognizing thoughts that cause shame and fear as the schoolyard bully, and the thoughts that remind you that you are loved and worthy as your real friends, you can start to turn your back on the bully and accept instead the loving thoughts quicker and quicker. What is one lie you’ve been clinging to lately? That’s been making you feel like crap?! If you’re not sure, what is a feeling that’s been keeping you stuck? Start there and figure out what thought is causing that feeling? What are you believing? I hope this helps you today. Have an amazing day my friends ❤️❤️❤️

Don’t Shame Yourself with Other People’s Opinions

My inner critic tells me that I don’t “look good enough” to post this video with unkept hair and no makeup but my hero says that’s BS and so here you go… the mission here is to be real and that’s what I’m going to do, especially when it’s uncomfortable. Especially when I’m not “looking my best” because unkept me is the real me as much as the me who has makeup on and hair done… Anyway, this video is just all about how we can understand those around us and love them without taking on all of their opinions as measurements of judgement to live up to or fear losing love and acceptance. Realize that other people’s opinions have nothing to do with you and immediately things change within your thoughts. It takes work but just as an example, I would never have posted this a year or two ago. I would have felt far too self conscious. Have you struggled with this? I personally have overburdened my life with expectations that taxed my time and energy heavily because of this one thing. Until I finally realized that I am enough in myself, despite other people’s anything, I struggled to feel worthy unless I met all of the standards, which was never, of course ❤️ the increase of peace the more I practice letting go of all of that crap is abundant!

SHARE don’t COMPARE your beauty!

You’re all doing some incredible things… all of you, making your house a home, singing, cooking, making people laugh, helping people smile, doing some awesome yoga, teaching your kids, doing some kick ass decorating, awesome hair, fun makeup, inspiring stories, encouraging words, incredible ideas; you all have your own kind of beautiful. What you love is different. If you love to sing, do that; if you love to knit, do that; if you love nature, get out there! Painting, do it; dancing; playing; photography; running; animals; philanthropy; cultural studies; history; writing; reading; building… I think you get my point?!? We all have our own kind of beautiful and we either compare and lose sight of the beauty, or we can admire and get inspired to do our JAM!!! Do your thing that spreads beauty in the world. I have talked about how social media can portray perfect, and wow is it true… but I also want to lift up the creators of the beauty to which we compare, meaning, I want to say wow to you and cheers, my hat is off for your passion for decor, or your creativity with photography. It is awesome. With our beauty we make our own lives a home for our souls. We make this world a home and a family for all of us. Don’t dilute your beauty by trying to copy someone else’s. Get inspired, sure, but remember what you love and dive into it with gratitude and passion and just DO YOU… because sister, you were made to be you so that you could live a life of purpose and passion with your individual strengths AND so that you can bless the people around you. When you’re not doing you, the world suffers because all of the beauty spreads joy and isn’t that what we are all looking for?!? ❤️❤️❤️ what ignites your flame?!?

Find Your WHY!!!

Good morning my friends. I hope you find this helpful. I know I struggled so much until I realized what I was doing and asked why… then I realized what I actually wanted and asked why. When I was able to align my life with my deep rooted passions, my real whys, I found something deeper than the general motivation. A flame that doesn’t burn out even when there are the end and flows of life and motivation. I want to show you that you’re enough and nothings wrong with you. You have struggles and imperfections. You can surrender the past and the future and accept what you can do now. Have you been sort of running on fumes on autopilot driven by whys that aren’t true?

Put It Into Words

The crap in our heads needs to get out. If you’re like me you may struggle shoving it down until it pours out breaking any filter you had in place. Once we put it into words we are acknowledging what’s going on and we see that there is always a next step and we see we have a choice. This is a simple truth I’ve heard time and time again that was shared in what felt like a profound way for me and I had to share. From my sister to my soul sisters. All my love to you! Have an amazing day

Motherhood is Hard… But You’re Enough; You’re Awesome!

Are you struggling?!? Please share because we all need to know we are not in this alone. I want mamas out there that need this message to see this and know they’re not alone… This is a message I would have loved to hear when my babies were little. I felt like I was drowning and people would mention self care and I would laugh and cry a little at that idea. Regardless of any of it, you’re enough. You’re freaking awesome and I’ve been there. Venting doesn’t mean you’re not positive. You’re going through so much in this journey that is hard to understand when you’re not in it. Just getting through the day is a victory to celebrate sometimes and I’m doing a happy dance with you ❤️❤️❤️ Oh and if you’re not a mother, in no way am I saying your worthiness is any less, sister you’re still amazing and have your share of this crazy awesome imperfect journey. This is just a specific shout out to the mamas out there!!! I love you!

Humility is about being REAL… Not about Shame

Have you always felt triggered by the world “humility”? Or felt that to be humble you need to be inferior and shrink? I have been chewing on the idea of humility and this is what I have come to learn, to believe it to mean: To be humble we own it all; owning our mistakes as humans, AND owning our successes with curiosity, gratitude and perspective. When we live in humility, we don’t shrink ourselves and we don’t inflate ourselves. We are living authentically seeking to learn as we acknowledging both our strengths and weaknesses and work to live being vulnerable. This is something I am seeking in my own life as I try and fail and try again. Humility is living fully… Surrendering what’s not in our control and owning what is, power and all! Have you struggled with this idea?

Love Wins – Amidst the Fear

Today I want to talk more about how we have a choice to lead from love, not fear. When our lives and decisions and moments are dominated by love instead of fear, we find courage to accept all that we can’t control in honor of the truth; in honor of really connecting and feeling and living. I hope you know that you are loved today my friend. And I will risk sounding cliche and redundant time and time again to feed you these reinforced ideas that will move your heart and transform your internal world. It is powerful and worth it.

Mass Shootings and the Fear Train – Taking Back the Power We DO Have!

This has been a challenging time. I can’t imagine the pain so many have dealt with. The circumstances caused by people taking violent and brutal action has been spreading pain and fear. It’s incredibly hard to stay anchored and present when we feel this overwhelming anxiety and helplessness. I hope you can find some help in your thought life in this. We won’t do it perfectly. I’m sharing because when I hear about another such event, I am triggered into thoughts that strip me completely of my power and I know I’m not alone in this. I am not going to surrender my power to the lies of those committed to spreading pain. We can spread love together.

Counteracting Conversation Hangover

This week we have been talking about conversation Hangover and today I wanted to give you some simple actions that, although simple, help us incredibly in growth when repeated in practice. Some simple shifts that make for incredible thought work.

Conversation Hangover… It’s a TRAP!!!

When we constantly ruminate over and obsess over conventions and situations we have experienced with regret and judgement, we keep ourselves stuck in the past and suffering. We keep ourselves from growth and we surrender our power. How have you experienced this? How has it affected you?! You’re not alone. I promise. This is a trap. Let’s talk about it, name it and take back our power! If you’d like to listen to more you can check out the episode of the podcast called conversation Hangover. Here is a link:… Have a wonderful day!

Don’t Seek To Get A Body You’ll Love… LOVE the body you HAVE!

Your life should be lived as a thank you to your body, not as a punishment. To enjoy our lives we HAVE to love our bodies… that’s so hard for us to hear sometimes. But it’s true. Your body should not be punished. Nothing would be possible without this body… every part of it is working for you; so team up with your body to live your life the best way possible. Stop punishing and shaming your body. Apologize and embrace that vessel. Realize that nothing in your life is possible without it… let that sink in today.

Videos NOW HORIZONTAL – Update!

This is just explaining why my videos have been vertical for so long and are now horizontal!

*** After recording this video, I have since realized how it’s not always ideal to have it horizontal and I won’t be re recording or editing videos to make them horizontal when they were vertical. They will be what works at the times. It’s not about it always looking ideal. I do not post as many videos weekly, but I do my best to balance sharing what’s helping and actually applying what I am talking about (which takes time, energy and attention as well)

You will SUCK at being anybody Else – Be Brave… Be YOU!!!

Today I challenge you to lean into your life and who you are. Take baby steps to embracing your passion and purpose, your personality and quarks. Be vulnerable, be brave. I will too. It gets easier and you’re not alone 🙂 Sending you All of my Love Friends!!!

Moving AWAY From Extreme Thinking – How I’ve Been Growing – No More All-Or-Nothing!!!

I have been working on this one for a while, and it is incredible. The way that extreme thinking Affects us and our relationships is profound. In this video I’m just sharing how much this has been helping me. Extreme thinking really does hold us back. Please join me! You’re not alone my friend 🙂 If you would like to check out the latest podcast episode, covering this topic you can go to iTunes or click here:…

All-or-Nothing and Black-and-White Thinking – The Perfectionist TRAP

Today I’m talking about how thinking in extreme traps us in fear and shame cycles. It keeps us out of growth and stuck in judgement and comparison so we make a lot of assumptions to support ideas we have and limits our ability to find empathy, connection and the lessons we are meant to learn from our experiences. Thinking in this way supports the voice of the enemy in our heads so that when we mess up, these thoughts take us down quickly. In my life, I didn’t realize or recognize this much in my life… until I started doing very active and regular thought work and now I’m really seeing it and it’s impact on every area of my life and I’m working to change it… but it’s hard. It is humbling and it is messy, but I won’t give up. How have you struggled with extreme thought patterns? When you face a situation do you tend to say “I always do…” “I never … right” or any other exaggerated language that casts a verdict on your identity and drastically affects your feelings and succeeding actions? Think about it… please share with me any work you’ve done here, realizations you’ve had, or anything you have found super helpful. Have a wonderful day! For more on this you can check out my podcast on iTunes:…

Keeping It Real – Unfiltered – Body Kindness & Comparison

I won’t just share the victories. There is a lot I battle, but I acknowledge the struggles as a part of growing and as something to celebrate. When we share them, they can empower and not shame us. This was hard to share because sometimes I feel really stupid in struggling, but I know that’s a lie and so I’ll share anyway. Self acceptance is so hard because it is not all conscious. It is a journey we are on together and I am so grateful for that. Today I went on a rant as I’ve been processing how I felt a quick and deep downward spiral on a date with my husband on Friday as I started to compare myself to other women I saw… it’s not always easy to admit, or heck even dissect and figure out what is actually going on. But I’m grateful for it and I know I’m not the only one. Processing it and sharing this is so that in case you’re also going through similar stuff, you feel encouraged. I am here so you can see how incredible you are. Don’t believe the lies. Good night! Xo

Powerful Food For Thought – Becoming Un-offendable

This is something I have been chewing on for years… I read a book called unoffendable years back and absolutely loved it. At the same time, it wasn’t until I actually was able to find progress in my thought world working on embracing who I am and surrendering all of that that I’ve been able to actually sometimes not be offendable… because I accept me, other people’s opinions or actions are not triggers affirming lies I have in my head AS OFTEN… I still am struggling here. I want to love others unconditionally. But first I have to accept Gods love and love myself that way, and in the outpouring I can see things with curiosity and not as much judgement. Where have you been the most offendable? What ideas and thoughts can you see that might be triggering this? Do you feel threatened? Fear is a liar. There is courage not in never hearing the voice of fear but in hearing it and moving forward anyway, choosing truth in this very action despite the powerful voice of lies… the voice of truth does get stronger 🙂 we are in this together!!! Please share with me your thoughts on this and ways you’ve worked to become UNoffendable… what has helped you?

Anxiety Relief – How to Relieve Anxiety FAST – Thought Work

Today I wanted to talk about anxiety because I have battled this a lot, and this tool has changed everything for me. When we are stuck in anxiety we are perpetuating our fears by visualizing what we DON’T want to happen… which is powerful and like computer programming for our brains. Use this as a tool, to spotlight the thought producing and perpetuating the fear, and as a cue to flip your visualization to that which you want your outcome to be. I hope you find this helpful. Now can you see what one of your biggest fear-producing thoughts are? A fear producing thought which has controlled and trapped you for years? Let me know if this helps 🙂 because even if the concerns are real, the fear traps us… it doesn’t actually help us to make an impact or own our power, becoming empowered people that make a difference. It traps us and perpetuates itself. Changing our thoughts doesn’t mean we allow evil to do its than. It means we find freedom where we are in our lives so we can actually own what is within our control. I really hope this helps. Have a wonderful day!

Re-Writing Your Story – A Powerful Technique for Healing… and EASY!

This is the practice I use regularly to figure out emotions and their root thoughts… to figure out what I think and gain perspective… and to own my story, shift my paradigm so that I am empowered by my experiences and not driven to thoughts and feelings that keep me trapped… *** I wanted to share this because it’s one of my absolute favorite exercises and is super easy. I hope you’ll try it and if you have a favorite thought work exercise you find powerful, will you please share with me?!? Have a wonderful evening my friends and thank you for journeying with me! Below is a link to the podcast episode referenced here about rewriting your story. Enjoy!…

We Hear What We Want To (Our Brains Do)…

In this video I talk about how our brains use what we already think, feel and believe as sort of a criteria for filtering incoming data (even when we aren’t aware of it). Our brains are using what is coming in to affirm what we already think, whether we are aware of those thoughts, feelings and beliefs or not… AND whether they are positive or negative. This is by design, BUT can keep us from growth when we aren’t aware of it as it keeps us from realizing that our perspective is only a tiny sliver of the big picture. I hope you find this helpful. If you want to hear more about what I think about this, you can check out the podcast episode on this very topic. I am so often stuck in my head, not actively engaging in the world around me from curiosity but I’m choosing to be intentional in this are going forward so that I can find growth and hear Gods voice and see the incredible people in front of me really and truly. Will I mess it up, absolutely. But it will still be worth it. *** is this helpful for you? What areas do you struggle the most to be open and receptive? For me it’s traditionally been around health and wellness and parenting… as those are areas I’ve often already judging myself harshly. Anyway… please share. I can’t wait to hear.…

Who is The Radical Imperfectionist – What is This All About

This is just a video talking about my mission and my goal here… it is sort of overdue. The point of my website, podcast and YouTube channel is to live this journey with you. To be real, Unpolished and unfiltered… I will go against the rules because this isn’t about looking, sounding or being perfect. It’s about being real. It’s about being vulnerable so you see that you’re not alone and this life isn’t polished, but it is still beautiful. I want you to dialogue with me and to experience real life together. We can become a source of empowerment for each other as we learn that we are enough and grow in the areas that we have been waiting to unfold. You are incredible in all of your imperfection. Have an incredible day!

FUN as an Anxiety Speed Bump

Thought work is hard when we are stuck in reaction to intense feelings… feeling anxiety of overwhelm of all of the pressure of our culture and all of the worlds problems can just be too much for us; these emotions can just feel like so much that we numb out and distract… we try to get away, to take a break; and yet the thoughts causing those emotions are still there, compounding the pressure. Even when we are learning how to work on our thoughts, pulling ourselves out of that thinking can still be hard. We need a speed bump. Fun can be that speed bump. I’m trying to incorporate this more. Turning on music and just going crazy with some dancing and singing, it’s the speed bump I need to come back out of my head and into the present moment. It’s the speed bump I need sometimes to be able to get out of fight or flight enough to check in with the thoughts that are running me ragged. I still often numb out or distract, but I am growing and doing less of this. I am also starting to find moments of being aware when I need a speed bump. *** what do YOU do to numb out? For me I clean, organize, purge, rearrange or get super productive… I sometimes mindlessly eat (especially chocolate and peanut butter – which isn’t bad, but when I don’t actually want food and I’m not even tasting it… well, yeah)… I used to often just have a glass of wine. AND what immediately makes you feel better? I want more ideas so please share yours 🙂 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Fear of Getting it Wrong

There are just so many decisions in life… when we can just surrender to the idea that getting it wrong isn’t bad… that when we get it wrong we can sort of celebrate the steps we are closer to our goals and the growth we find along that path, then we are really living and it’s 110% worth it. Perfectionism makes the fear of getting it wrong feel so powerful, so big and scary, but it isn’t. That’s a lie. You’ll get a lot of stuff wrong, but all of us will with you. You aren’t alone even if people are good at hiding their flaws and mistakes, it is the essence of the human experience… messing up and finding meaning and growth in it all. Finding connection amidst the vulnerability of being imperfect together and letting go of the thoughts that keep us afraid. What action do you want to take but you’re so scared to get it wrong and look a fool?! Believe me sunshine, I’m right there with you… but damn it feels good to let go and be me. Have a wonderful day!

The Overwhelm of Saving the World

In this clip I’m digging into how much pain and problems there are in the world and how overwhelming it is. I talk about how the fear and shame of thinking we should do it all keep us trapped and not contributing… but how leaning into truth and leaning into our own lives and passions actually makes a difference. I talk about how each of our contributions are going to look different and gratitude helps us to gain perspective. If you’re struggling with anxiety or overwhelm and perfectionism, come check out my podcast for more on this topic! Have a wonderful day!…

You ARE Supposed to Make Mistakes

Mistakes are stepping stones. We won’t make it anywhere until we realize that this is what they are and stop allowing mistakes to enforce lies in our stories. That keeps us trapped and holds us back from both connection and moving forward. *what is a value judgement you enforce when you make mistakes? For me it’s often “I’m stupid” when I do things that I deem render me stupid. I know I’m not stupid but it takes me actively working on this story, hearing the thoughts and responding with love. This is not something that you struggle with alone, and when you share, you’ll see that. All of us that struggle with perfectionism struggle with this. I’m in this with you sunshine!

Heart to Heart – Not Having to Be Liked

Finding the shape of YOU within, and the strength to hold that shape no matter the circumstances, won’t happen all at once. Gaining the ability to let go of what other people think is like building a muscle. Right now for me, this muscle is still weak, but I am working it and we can do that together. We are meant to be who we are. We are not meant to conform or live in fear of not gaining the approval of those around us. I hope that this video helps you know that you’re not in this alone. I know I’m not alone.
I have done this in every single area of my life for all of my life to some extent and as hard as it is to admit this, I’m doing this publicly. I want to stand for my truth and stop crumbling into something else. I don’t need the acceptance of everyone and neither do you. Let’s work on accepting ourselves and strengthen our ability to stand in who that is.

Random Share – My Mom Bag – Real Life is MESSY

Okay okay, it’s not so silent 🙂 If you were to talk to my previous boss from before kids or heck, even my husband, they would tell you how organized I was or tried to always portray myself to be and how crazy I was when there was a threat to the order… well, I still feel crazy when there is less and less order (hence my passion about purging and simplicity) but as I grow, I learn to accept the mess little by little (sometimes) and the reality of life with kids so I can actually enjoy it. Still, it’s hard and I don’t always succeed… but I’ll laugh about it today and be here and now. This video is just a silly way to embrace and share my own imperfection 🙂 I hope you’re entertained!!!

How Perfectionist Steals Joy

On Saturday I ran the Huntington Beach Rockin’ Run 10k. It was my first run in many years and as I realized why I stopped enjoying running I decided to reclaim this activity and my joy that comes from partaking. In What areas have perfectionist tendencies stolen the joy you used to get from certain activities? Do you want to reclaim your joy? Part of what has been helping me to do this is just starting to notice that this has happened and make a choice to focus on the moments. It’s super hard though If you’ve experienced this, What have you found helpful in this area? I would love to learn what helps others… it’s kind of an obsession for me. We are in this together.

I’m NOT an EXPERT… and don’t want to be

I want to be real. I want to learn and grow and help you to recognize your value as I also navigate myself down that path. In this video share a shift I am making in the way I share myself on these platforms. I want to share more of who I am and less of the beautiful stock photos (Instagram). I want to grow with you and it’s scary but I’m leaning in… the best things in life involve vulnerability, and this is no exception. I am no expert. I don’t think I am and I don’t want to be. I want to be real. I want to share and mess up and share again.

Shoving Down Our Emotions – What Happens in our Brains:

What is happening inside of our brains when we are “shoving down our emotions”… I try to break it down here in a way that has helped me and I hope it helps you. I am not a therapist or scientist or expert in any way. Just a girl on a journey with a mission! Have a great day! If you would like more you can go to (link also here on YouTube) and you may also go to apple podcasts and here is the url (also linked here on my channel)… And…

Other People’s Opinions – Everybody IS Judging You

Today I talk about the idea that everybody judges; this idea that we are all judging all of the time, and it’s the way we are making sense of the world. It’s not personal. If you would like more on this topic you can head over to my podcast and check out the episode about this very topic!… I really hope you find this helpful. Have a wonderful day!

Keeping It Real – The Comparison Trap

In this video I talk about something we all experience, Comparison. It’s an absolute trap but we all get stuck there once in a while. It’s not about doing it all right and not ever comparing. It’s about remembering when you get stuck there what this is really about and working to build a habit of awareness so you can pull yourself out. So that it doesn’t destroy your day. Have a wonderful day! If you would like more about this, you can check out my podcast on iTunes, link in the description; and just know you’re not alone. We are in this together!
A quick clip, talking without makeup and all that, about something real. Totally unfiltered… keeping it real, with the hope of sharing my journey with others who are working to change their thoughts and their lives with courage and vulnerability. Here, I am just talking about something real that I have been thinking about for the last couple of days; about struggle and about growth; about what inspired the latest episode of my podcast…. We are all jerks sometimes but that’s not who we really are. The magazines and TV, the culture at large, all of it can really influence our thoughts dramatically and make it seem like reality is much different than it is. Don’t buy into it. Become aware of the lies. Happy Tuesday my friends! With Love, Holly Ann Kasper The Radical Imperfectionist