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Your Journey Begins HERE

STOP Listening to the Lies,
START loving being YOU,
& START living in freedom


Women and Mothers:

You are not alone.
This journey is a powerful one

and I am so grateful that you have joined me.

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My name is Holly Ann Kasper, and I began this website with the understanding that I am not alone…

Growing up I faced challenges, some average and some not-so-average, and as an adult I have struggled a lot to find peace and freedom within myself.  I have battled with life and resisted what is beyond my control.  I have tried to be perfect and earn the love and acceptance of others, failing constantly at the pressure of this impossible goal.  Often I have felt defeated and unworthy of love; hiding in fear and shame.  I have suffered with imposter syndrome; trying to project perfection, while feeling like I am not enough, and pushing through with a “fake-it-til-you-make-it” mentality that kept me lonely and afraid despite the struggles I overcame and the victories I experienced.

That’s over and done with.  No more.  Now I am on a journey of freedom.  I have been working full-force on shifting these lies about my identity and releasing my life from the hold that this heavy baggage has had on me, including; limiting beliefs, perfectionism, people-pleasing, emotional scars that still triggered me, unhelpful thoughts, uninvestigated fears, shame and anxiety, and so much more. 

I have learned how to finally embrace who I am and sink comfortably and peacefully into that being. The resulting abundance of joy and freedom is something that I now passionately share with the world.

My purpose and mission here is to create a ripple of change in the world for women like you. No matter what it feels like, you are not alone. I am here to show you where you are exhausting yourself and where your power lies so that you can get yourself in the driver’s seat. I am here to show you how to let go of being perfect and yet find yourself living your life more authentically than ever before.

This work is done through the use of thought work and writing and reflective practices and more, as shared in the podcast content, video content as well as on social media and other current resources on this website

***Soon to come is my eBook on letting go of other people’s “stuff” along with e-courses and other helpful content and resources. Sign up for the email list so that you stay informed about the new resources as they become available.***


With Love,


Holly Ann Kasper

The Radical Imperfectionist