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The Broken Tunnel

Poem by Holly Ann Kasper
July 19th, 2021

Quick to label
“Bad” or “Good”;
Prompt to program
That which we “should”.

Black and white;
Wrong and right.
We make the leap;
We spark a fight.

Where ears can see,
No mouth can hear.
Can we decode
What got us here?

A single thought
That divided all
Became our path;
Created walls.

Despite the fact
That thoughts can lie;
We held on tight
We closed our eyes.

You and I;
We are the same;
Until we see
Beyond a name…

Beyond a choice;
A story;
A view…
Beyond the lens
To what is true.

To see this truth,
We have to feel;
To stop and listen;
Where time stands still.

Behind it all,
There lives the real you;
Gently; softly;
Unbroken and true.

She experiences it all.
Her presence exposed;
The house of cards falls.

Left with only
Arms open wide.
Nowhere to go;
Nothing to hide.

I; You; Me; We;
Us; Them; They…
Let go of it all,
And see the way.

Out of the tunnel;
Beyond any rules;
Into a new realm
Where the lies are the fools.

Where fog has lifted
And mirrors are clean;
We can be at peace
Because we are seen.

Our lives and our love
And our bodies and souls
Are forever United;
For now we are whole.