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The Game of Pain…

POEM By Holly Ann Kasper


Today I play
To You I say
all that I’ve learned;
each blossom yearned.

The roots I drop;
the sun I crave.
The process slow;
I ride the waves.

I feel undone
and yet I see
less of the game
and more of me.

For me,
your dance
is like a mirror;
each turn,
each leap,
and I see clearer.

The ‘shoulds’
just melt away.

The glow in me
I ask to stay.

Pen to paper…
my story free.
You see you
and you see me.

Every day
I feel more pain,
and I begin to breathe again.

The pain was hidden.
With patience it grew…
First, gently it knocked…
then rolling through,
the momentum expanded.
The pressure burst forth;
never to be rewound.

When finally freed;
unleashed it broke out.
The relief.
… and the space…
as birds set free,
wounds open wide.

A heat was released;
trapped moments to feel…
My wounds cleaned out;
I began to heal.

My foundation was rocked;
light fell on the lies.
Masked rules tumbled down;
shame melted away.

I cried and I grieved;
I thanked all my tears.
I thanked the pain
I had held all these years.

Because only in healing
that pain
can I grow;
only in feeling
the truth
can I know.

The pain is a friend
to give me my share;
my helping of learning;
my lessons to bare.
my piece of this world…
my human-ness gift,
the ticket to wisdom…
I feel the fear lift.

Today I surrender
because of my pain.
Today I remember
to be-gin

Feel it…

Be Broken…


And Grow.

Let go
and find peace
in what you don’t know…