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Walk With Holly – Accept, Surrender, Let Go & EMBRACE

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Getting sick this week caused a change of my plans, so today we will try something a little different with this episode. The audio quality isn’t as great but I hope you join me on my walk and dialogue with me on this topic today. Take a quick walk with me as we discuss the idea of progressing from clinging, to acceptance and finally embracing the circumstances we can’t control!

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Good morning everybody! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! This is me on my walk right now, because last week I was working on my podcast show notes and I was going to record and then I got sick!.. So you know life happens, and I’m OK with that. So, this is me on a walk, just talking with you… so it’s time for a walk with Holly. I just wanted to talk about something that I was pondering and that is the idea of surrender and acceptance and embrace; and sort of the the distinction between the three, and it might sound weird as I’m breathing as I’m walking and trying to balance the two, so just bear with me. Pretend I am your Friend talking to you on the phone! Anyway, so this idea is that there are a lot of energetically charged Things that come into our lives and by that I’m not trying to talk “fu-fu”, but essentially when we face challenges, when they sort of hit a nerve, we say or trigger us is another way that people put it and what’s happening is that there’s there’s energetically something in us that is stuck physically in our bodies and it’s it’s a tender spot. It’s like a scab it’s being rubbed off and this is where we have to learn to what they say let go, surrender, or accept. So today I wanted to bring up the options that instead of letting go and surrendering and accepting, we can work toward embracing things so this is not just in bracing yourself and loving yourself but working toward embracing your life and the circumstances that are difficult. And embracing the challenge that goes along with them. I think just in the word “embrace”, there’s the implication that we are we are coming from a completely different heart-set or on stance in our heart than when you think about letting go. I feel like that’s just, you know, you hear letting go that might sound peaceful, acceptance might be where you’re in tears and you’re at your end so you you relent and then surrender might sound similar but when you think of the word in brace it’s it’s the opposite so it’s embrace also means hug right it’s it you’re actually welcoming us this thing that is beyond your control. So I think that’s a really The paramount shift that we can make when we’re trying to work on accepting what we can’t control because the circumstances that are in our lives are the things that create for us, or that our brains create thoughts about and then those thoughts create our emotions, which then run or our narrative; the story that our brains tell for our lives. So when we want to take back the power for what we do have control over in our lives, it starts with letting go of what we don’t have power over; and so there comes the whole “let it go, Accept, surrender” and what I’m talking about of embracing it. I think when we can work toward continually not resisting that which is beyond our control; other people’s thoughts, other peoples actions, or past thoughts And actions, other people’s opinions, things that are going to happen in the future; when we embrace both the unknown of the future, the lack of control of the future, and the inability to change the past or change other people; we welcome the lesson and we come into a place of gratitude and it just changes the way that our lens filters through the world around us. I know this is kind of a quick one, but again given the fact that I got sick last week, and given that the holidays are upon us, I think that it’s really important for us to learn to shift our perspective and sometimes practicing that just looks like remembering it when you’re in the moment. When you’re in the moment of difficult struggle, it’s often resisting what is beyond your control; it’s thinking that someone else should think something that they do not, or not think something that they do, or feel something that they do, or do something that they do, and I’m not saying accept it and say that everything that people do is good or that a bad thing is good, but embracing can mean that you trust your life and you trust God and you understand that you’re not gonna understand it all; that you’re not going to be able to control it but you know that there will be a purpose for this in your life. So, just shifting the perspective from surrender and acceptance to embracing, even though I feel like that’s kind of a progressive step, changes the way your thoughts are formed about the circumstances, thereby changing the way that you feel and the way that you act and how empowered you are in your life.

I want you to think about that and if you have further thoughts on this please share them with me! I would love to hear. This might sound a little bit I’m out there for you but really I just want to soak into the holidays and inspire you to sort of look at your circumstances with new eyes; even the hard stuff, because there’s a lesson in there, and you’re resisting it and feeling the feelings because you’re meant to learn something.

A lot of times we resist the same sort of circumstances repeatedly throughout our lives, causing this turmoil for ourselves, when we can actually learn to embrace then move away from that that feeling inside that gets trapped; the one where our stomachs not up and her shoulders draw forward and our minds can think of nothing else. Let’s become serious learners of our lives, able to see things in a different light, and able to be in the present experience in what’s happening right now; not simply stuck in past experiences, in other peoples actions, surrendering the control and surrendering the gift of being here being with our families, staying with our friends, learning, or supposed to be learning from the experience that were wrestling with. You know, until we wrestle with it enough that we are able to embrace it; until we sit with it, it doesn’t go away, because we are clinging to it, because were resisting it we are refusing the lesson that’s there before us. So, I just I just wanna kind of challenge you this week so that you think about that as you go through the holidays, because I know that the holidays can be charged with all sorts of emotions and all Sorts of trouble. As we resist those emotions and we cling to the things that we want and think are good and right and cling to our judgments of other people and of ourselves, lacking the ability to embrace. When we do it, does include embracing yourself but embracing other people as well… so as you go into the holidays, I hope that this helps. Please interact with me on Instagram @theradicalimperfectionist. You can also find me on YouTube and a The Radical please click subscribe have a wonderful day enjoy your holidays and merry Christmas and happy new year!