This is a list of books I have read and found extremely valuable. Some of them I absolutely loved; and although I generally don’t agree with everything I read, I found incredibly powerful information in each of these that connected with my journey of embracing myself, growing and empowering myself and others. I can’t remember all of what I’ve read and a lot of this I have read on audible but I would happily buy any of these again. Some won’t seem related to the topic of “imperfection” but they are for myself and my life.
For example; Sleep is critical for our self-care; Parent-child relationships parallel other relationships in many ways and help us heal from our own childhoods; and so on and so forth.
I am not getting paid to share these links but wanted an easy resource for my friends to check out the books that have impacted my life in the greatest ways. They’re not necessarily in a particular order, and I will add more as we go along. Enjoy!